Front-End Gym Website
A simple landmark page for gym with attractive design and fully responsive.
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A Computer Science Engineering student at YMCA University, currently working on Web Development.
Navneet is an engineering student studying at YMCA University, majoring in Computer Science. He likes disruptive innovation and learning new languages.He build new projects just to tickle his brain.
In his spare time, Navneet enjoys traveling to new places, and thinking about the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Fullstack developer with primary focus on Django + React: Download Resume
A simple landmark page for gym with attractive design and fully responsive.
Preview..A fully responsive portfolio of mine with customisable themes, developed with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Preview..A simple tool made with help of JS, which tells counts of words, lowercase, uppercase, digits, vowels, etc.
Preview..A simple responsive login and registration page. Only frontend with HTML and CSS.